The CEMS Global Alliance is a non-profit organisation that is governed jointly by four stakeholder groups: schools, companies & non-profit organizations, students and alumni.

The CEMS Chair, (Professor Lars Strannegård, President of the Stockholm School of Economics) is elected by the Strategic Board and appoints the Deputy Chair ( Professor Sherif Kamel, Dean of the American University in Cairo Business School ) and leads the Management Council as well as the Strategic Board.
The Management Council is the permanent decision-making body bringing together representatives from all major stakeholders, by designated office position (ex officio) or elected by the General Assembly. The CEMS Global Office is the permanent coordination and management body of CEMS and reports to the Management Council.
Academic members appoint representatives for the Strategic Board, General Assembly, and Academic Committee:
- Strategic Board: Rector/Dean; once a year
- General Assembly: Associate Dean (International Affairs, Graduate Programmes); once a year
- Academic Committee: professor in charge of CEMS MIM at the school; twice a year
Corporate & Social Partner representatives are also invited to sit on both the Strategic and General Assembly. Each company is represented by a Senior Partnership Holder (for strategic affairs), a Main Contact (for operational issues) and a Local Contact per country.
A CEMS Programme Manager is appointed to manage CEMS MIM student affairs at the school and interface with other schools, whilst a CEMS Corporate Relations Manager is appointed to manage interaction with CEMS Corporate Partners in the relevant country.
Professors from each school are invited to join the CEMS Faculty Groups, designed to promote joint faculty projects.
Students are represented locally by the CEMS Clubs and centrally via the Student Board, whilst the alumni voice is represented on a country-by-country basis via Local Committees and centrally via the CEMS Alumni Association.
Honorary Members

Since its foundation, CEMS has been shaped by passionate and dedicated contributors to the alliance. As a recognition, Honorary Membership is conferred upon individuals who render or have rendered outstanding services to the alliance or whose values and achievements align with CEMS values.
Meet the passionate individuals who have contributed so much to the CEMS Global Alliance.