International Internship for CEMS MIM Students : Experience real-life business work
CEMS International Internships provides you with the real-life professional learning experience of integrating in an organization’s culture and processes. The main objective is to turn academic experience and theoretical knowledge into a professional, multi-cultural work experience prior to graduation. This is another great opportunity to take advantage of the CEMS vast network of corporate partners. The internship will prepare you as a-ready-graduate-recruit to be hired or ready-to-set-up your company as an entrepreneur.
Students are responsible for finding their own internships. If you wish to receive internship offers by e-mail, you can use the CEMS Career Center. Students are responsible for all official documents and should be aware of visa requirements for working in the country where they plan to do the internship. The “CEMS Internship Guide” includes further information on internship possibilities, visas and other regulations in each CEMS country.
Location & Duration of internship
For the purposes of fulfilling the CEMS MIM graduation requirements, “abroad” is defined as outside the country of the home school. In certain cases, you may apply for an exemption from the international internship requirement. The request must be supported with evidence and will be evaluated by the home school Academic Director on a case-by-case basis.
Internships must be a full-time activity at the professional level (first job level, although salaries may not be commensurate) where the student is given one or more challenging projects with a certain degree of autonomy. They must cover a period of at least 8 consecutive weeks full-time in the same company (the first 8 weeks of a full-time employment position are also accepted), a longer period of internship is subject to local decision based on home degree requirements.
Company Type
Internships can take place at a CEMS Corporate Partner, although not on a compulsory basis. They can also take place at a non-profit organization such as Social Partners or in a humanitarian mission. CEMS has also started to offer Social Internships recently in collaboration with the Student Board.
Entrepreneurial internships (starting up an own business) may be accepted with permission of the home school Academic Director, and as long as the CEMS requirements are met and supervision / tutoring by the home school is provided during the internship.