CEMS Social Partners
CEMS Social Partners
To create positive change and advance sustainable solutions, CEMS has forged partnerships with non-for-profit organisations that share the same commitment. Within the CEMS Global Alliance, we embrace the power of collaboration for innovation, and we believe that NGOs can help us in reshaping business education through impactful social initiatives and interacting with the future generation of business leaders. Let's work together to foster an environment where everyone can thrive!

Join CEMS as a Social Partner and make an impact on business education!
The CEMS Social Partnership is an exclusive social-academic partnership based on the Social Partners contributing to the Alliance and its MIM Programme through:
- Engage with CEMS MIM Students: Interact with and influence future business leaders.
- Answer your organizational challenges: Benefit from the involvement of CEMS students in business projects and internships.
- Make an impact in business education: Develop professional and personal contacts with decision makers from leading universities and multinational corporations.
- Communicate and raise awareness: engage students in social projects and ignite them with the passion of your cause!
With CEMS, you can make an impact in the business education of tomorrow by educating and preparing responsible leaders contributing to a more open, sustainable and inclusive world.
CEMS Social Responsibility
Part of the CEMS mission is to nurture a responsible and ethical approach to management that graduates will then take into the working world. CEMS students formally commit to a code of ethics and values in respect of global citizenship on the day of their graduation in the framework of the Global Value Statement.
Our ethical and responsible approach to management education also includes a strong focus on sustainability and responsibility. With the involvement of Corporate & Social Partners – in the classroom, in research and conferences or in the governance of CEMS – the CEMS Global Alliance and all its stakeholders benefit from this exposure and dialogue.
This concerns but is not limited to:
- The Estoril Conferences – a future of hope.
- Model United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – a CEMS lecture series
- New Generation Consulting – a new approach to consulting
The 2022 edition of Estoril Conferences explored the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
How to become a CEMS Social Partner
To be considered as a Social Partner, an organisation should fulfill the following selection criteria: non-profit status, international scope, and multi-country representation, non-political or religious affiliation, motivation for cooperating with the academic and corporate world.
If you would like to know more about the opportunity of becoming a CEMS Social Partner, please contact us. Join us and be a part of a unique network from all across the world!