CEMS Global Responsibility Week 2024

In order to implement a more sustainable, inclusive and diverse world, CEMS will hold Global Responsibility Week: several events will be held locally and globally from April 8 to 12. The event is organised by the CEMS Student Board Responsible Leadership.

GRW 2024


A variety of online events will be held along with a few local challenges.  This event is open to the entire CEMS community ranging from students to alumni, academics and corporate/ social partners.  Help us discuss solutions and processes that will shape the world for a better tomorrow. 

The tentative agenda includes:

  • local events organised by the CEMS Clubs throughout the week including in Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Poland, the UK, and Switzerland. The agenda can be found here
    Note that the agenda is tentative or may not reflect all events. Please contact your local CEMS Club to find out more and get involved
  • Rotational Industry Chats on April 12th at 12pm CEST to meet and chat with 5 CEMS Alumni working for Boston Consulting Group, Henkel, McKinsey & Company, The Ocean Cleanup and the United Nations.  Register and find more information here.
  • Unlocking Your Sustainable Business Future: An Exclusive Discussion with Mike Thompson, sustainable business consultant and guest lecturer at Corvinus University of Budapest. You willll have the chance to engage in an open discussion on the intersection of business and sustainability, on April 8th at 3:30pm CET. Join the online event via this link

 Wishing you all a CEMSational Global Responsibility Week 2024!