CEMS alumni ‘outperform’ all other business schools’ alumni in the Financial Times Global Masters in Management (MiM) ranking 2024

Of the top 20 ranked schools, nine are CEMS Academic Members.
CEMS graduates have significantly higher earnings and greater salary progression.
FT ranking 2024

Alumni of CEMS, on average, outperformed those from all business schools taking part in the FT 2024 Masters in Management (MiM) ranking. CEMS graduates had significantly higher earnings, a greater salary progression and were more likely to achieve their study aims compared with the average across all schools. CEMS graduates earned an average of US$113,802 - US$16,810 above the average for all participating schools.

CEMS schools also have a higher proportion of faculty with doctorates that the average among all ranked institutions.

Nine CEMS Academic Members schools are ranked in the top 20 with the University of St Gallen and HEC Paris achieving the top two positions.

Nicole de Fontaines, Executive Director of CEMS, commented:

"We’re delighted that the FT recognises that the CEMS alliance of schools and businesses offers an additional competitive qualification to our 1,300 students globally each year. The elite CEMS schools are linked by a quality assurance system and students follow a joint curriculum, including working on consultancy projects and completing internships at corporate partners.

“Huge congratulations to all CEMS Academic Member schools featured in today’s FT Global MiM 2024 ranking. We are delighted that so many of our Academic Members have performed outstandingly.

 “CEMS is truly an alliance of the highest calibre business schools on every continent, with nine of the top 20 ranked schools’ members of our Alliance.  Together we work to educate the next generation of responsible business leaders.  This incredible network of partner schools and companies ensures the top quality of the CEMS student experience and exceptional employability of our graduates.” 

The CEMS Master in International Management (MIM) is delivered through a global network of 33 of the world’s top business schools in collaboration with more than 70 corporate partners (multinational companies) and 8 social partners.

Due to the nature of its delivery across 33 business schools the FT does not include the CEMS MIM in its ranking. However, a separate analysis within the ranking focuses on CEMS alumni career progression and school diversity.  


For more information contact Judith Hunt judith@griffithshuntpr.com, +44 (0)7714 407060.