Co-authored piece by Capgemini and AWS, this intriguing thought leadership comments
Complex, and with multiple challenges and stakeholders, biodiversity is too often neglected, or even forgotten entirely. Yet the preservation of the living is a major concern. It is, in fact, the other great challenge for humanity - along with global warming. Indeed, the collapse of biodiversity is a threat to our own human survival and leads us to question the place of humankind in the global ecosystem.
In the report you can find the 2021 joint publication from IPBES and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to explore the complex and multiple interconnections between Climate change, the spread of invasive species ,or the overexploitation of resources.
The report highlights an important question- How tech can come to the rescue of the living world? Aurélie Gillon, Sustainability Director at Capgemini Invent writes
“The first goal of technology should be to improve human life, but it can paradoxically destroy vital foundations of our life”
The report asks the readers, what if we gave animals the right to live, for their good, as well as our own? What if we expanded this vision to all living creatures?
To learn more about this discourse, you can find the full report here.