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678 results

5 Tips to Maximise Your Return on Ambition

Nicolai Chen Nielsen is the author of Return on Ambition and a Partner at the Supertrends Institute, where he focuses on the intersection of cutting-edge technology, global trends, and the...

10 March 2021

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Kenya

My name is Ameena Bajar and I am currently a CEMS student at Ivey Business School. I recently spent 3 weeks in Kenya in partnership with SupaMaasai, a grassroots foundation that ‘strives to improve...

13 January 2015

HKUST Business School wins School of the Year Award

Established in 1991, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HKUST Business School is seen as “Asia’s youngest but most respected business school” according to the Financial Times. HKUST...

4 December 2016

Patrick Sobocki

"Don’t worry to be a contrarian, just follow your instinct."


What the Dramatic Arts Can Teach Business Students

This Spring, CEMS students on the LSE MiM Capstone course had the unique opportunity to attend the London’s Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) to undertake tailored training designed to increase...

30 June 2016