Regional Events

Every year, student clubs work on a rotating basis to offer an event to their fellow students and corporate partners in their region that focuses on a particular business topic and includes company presentations, case studies, skill seminars, networking and in some cases, company interviews. It's a great occasion for students to network and broaden their understanding of business topics of concern to a particular region within the CEMS alliance and for corporate partners to meet local CEMS students.
For more information about the Regional Events, please reach out to
DACH Forum
The CEMS DACH Forum is a yearly rotating regional event which is organized by CEMS students from the three top business schools located in the DACH-area: University of Cologne (Germany), University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) and Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria).
The LATAM Forum is a yearly rotating regional event which is organized by CEMS students from the two top business schools located in the area, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo-FGV (Brazil), Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile), and Universidad de los Andes School of Management (Colombia). It takes place every year around September - November.
Marenostrum ("Our Sea" in Latin) was a Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea. Today, it is amongst the most important regional Business Forums organised by CEMS students from four top business schools in the Mediterranean Region: Bocconi University (Italy), Nova School of Business and Economics (Portugal), ESADE Business School (Spain), Koç University (Turkey) and the American University of Cairo (Egypt).
Nordic Forum
The CEMS Nordic Forum is the largest annual CEMS conference and career event in Scandinavia, organised on a rotating basis by the four Nordic CEMS schools: Aalto University (Finland), Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), Norwegian School of Economics (Norway), and Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden).
V4 Conference
The V4 Conference is an annual CEMS event in Central Europe, hosted on a rotating basis by CEMS member schools of the Visegrad Group which includes Corvinus Business School (Hungary), SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland) and Prague University of Economics and Business (Czechia).