CEMS Virtual European Forum
In late March 2020, under the coronavirus pandemic situation, the Nordic Forum, V4 Conference, as well as Marenostrum had to be cancelled. CEMS Students were worrying about the fulfilment of their...
In late March 2020, under the coronavirus pandemic situation, the Nordic Forum, V4 Conference, as well as Marenostrum had to be cancelled. CEMS Students were worrying about the fulfilment of their...
The CEMS Hackathon – the first of its kind – brought the CEMS Global Alliance together to develop community-learning based solutions. The winning idea is as innovative as it is practical.
"CEMSies not only went through the same challenges and experiences, but they also value international teams and are more than willing to support you, even if you are not from the country or region."
For the 18th consecutive year, the CEMS Alumni Association Austria and the CEMS Club Vienna will host the infamous CEMS Waltzing Days, which will take place from January 7th to 12th 2020. As always...
The CEMS DACH Forum is a yearly rotating regional event which is organized by CEMS students from the three top business schools located in the DACH-area: University of St. Gallen, University of...
Between April 27 and 29, CEMS Club Helsinki and Aalto University hosted the CEMS Nordic Forum which was held in an online format due to the disruption caused by Covid during the event preparation...
The CEMS V4 Conference is an annual student-led event, hosted on a rotating basis by CEMS member schools of the Visegrad Group: SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Corvinus Business School and Prague...
Marenostrum ("Our Sea" in Latin) was a Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea. Today, it is amongst the most important regional Business Forums organised by CEMS students from four top business schools...
Marenostrum ("Our Sea" in Latin) was a Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea. Today, it is amongst the most important regional Business Forums organised by CEMS students from four top business schools...