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602 results

Ouriel Ohayon

"I have a wonderful memory of my time at during the CEMS program. Probably some of the richest and most enjoyable years I had as a student."


Christian Mischler

"Thanks to my previous experience and personal network we have managed to navigate the launch period fairly easily."



"I love to learn new things, just as I love to build new things. Starting a company while I study gives me the opportunity to do both. "


Master Class for Global Leaders with NASA

Engage in an interactive debate with a participant of 15 NASA missions, a winner of Templeton Prize, member of the Vatican Observatory, Harvard and Oxford economists.

21 October 2021

Julia Eschelbeck

"The CEMS MIM program provided a foundational catalyst on my journey in using technology to build bridges across companies, cultures and continents. The experiences that I gathered working with...
