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423 results

CEMS Global Recruitment Event 2022

Set a foot in the corporate world and discover new employers during the Global Recruitment Event. Connect from March 1 to 4 and engage with recruiters from around the world to advance in your career.

1 March - 4 March 2022

CEMS Global Recruitment Event 2023

Set a foot in the corporate world and discover new employers during the Global Recruitment Event 2023. Connect from March 6 to 10 and engage with recruiters from around the world to advance in your...

6 March - 10 March 2023

31st CEMS ANNUAL EVENTS - Vienna 2019

The Annual Events, hosted in by WU Vienna, welcomed a new CEMS Academic Member, 7 new Corporate Partners, and celebrated 3 CEMS Alumni of the Year, Outstanding Contribution to the CEMS MIM (new)...

27 November 2019

29th CEMS ANNUAL EVENTS - Sydney 2017

The Annual Events, hosted by the exclusive Australian CEMS member school, the University of Sydney Business School (USYD), welcomed a new CEMS Academic Member, saw the induction of 9 new Corporate...

27 November 2017

WU and CBS Win Block Seminar of the Year Award

The Strategy as Practice – Critical Thinking, Problem Formulation, and Biases block seminar, a co-creation of Professor Phillip C. Nell from WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business and...

26 November 2017

Who decided on this fee ?

The Executive Board of the CEMS Association, whose members are senior representatives of the 31 school administrations (eg Vice Deans), 9 elected representatives of the CEMS Corporate Partners, one...

28th CEMS ANNUAL EVENTS - Stockholm 2016

The Annual Events, hosted by the exclusive Swedish CEMS member school, Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) welcomed a new CEMS Chair and Vice Chair, saw the induction of 11 new Corporate Partners (CPs...

1 December 2016